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HomeBusinessList of Top 10 Highest Palm Oil Producing Countries 2024

List of Top 10 Highest Palm Oil Producing Countries 2024

Two countries, Indonesia and Malaysia led the top TEN palm oil producing countries in 2023/2024 and accounted for producing about 66 million metric tons, representing 83% of the global palm oil produced during the period.
The top TEN palm oil producers

Palm Oil Production last year (*) was 77.58 million tons. This year’s 79.46 estimated millions tons could represent an increase of 1.89 million tons or 2.43% in palm oil production around the globe.

Palm Oil Production by Country

Here are the top ten palm oil producers in the world;

Indonesia: 47,000,000

Malaysia: 19,000,000

Thailand: 3,450,000

Colombia: 1,900,000

Nigeria: 1,500,000

Guatemala: 920,000

Papua New Guinea: 800,000

Cote d’Ivoire: 600,000

Honduras: 595,000

Brazil: 585,000

Ecuador: 480,000

Cameroon: 465,000

India: 305,000

Ghana: 300,000

Congo (Kinshasa): 300,000

Costa Rica: 275,000

Peru: 275,000

Mexico: 235,000

Philippines: 100,000

Sierra Leone: 75,000

Benin: 70,000

Angola: 55,000

Dominican Republic: 53,000

Guinea: 50,000

Liberia: 45,000

Senegal: 14,000

Togo: 9,000

Venezuela: 8,000

1. Indonesia

Indonesia leads the world in palm oil production, producing over half of the world’s palm oil. The country’s hot, rainy climate makes palm trees ideal for growing.

The government has invested heavily in the production of palm oil, leading to an increase in the country’s production of palm oil each year. In 2023, Indonesia produced 56% of global palm oil, with 14 million hectares dedicated to the cultivation of palm trees.

Palm oil is an essential component of Indonesia’s economy, with the country’s sales of palm oil worth $23 billion to other countries in 2020.

Over 16 million people in Indonesia are employed in the palm oil industry, many of whom work in the rural economy. The production of palm oil in Indonesia increased 4.5% in 2020. In addition to palm oil, the country also produces rubber, cocoa and coffee.

2. Malaysia

Malaysia is one of the largest palm oil-producing nations in Southeast Asia. It is the second largest producer of palm oil after Indonesia. Malaysia’s success in the palm oil business can be attributed to its commitment to investing heavily in the industry.

In the 1960s, the government launched a program to improve agricultural practices, including the cultivation of oil palm trees. This led to the establishment of large-scale farms throughout the country. As a result, the country’s production of palm oil increased from a small amount in 1960 to more than 19 million tonnes by 2020.

The palm oil industry in Malaysia employs over half a million people, ranging from small-scale farmers to large-scale plantation workers. This has helped many Malaysians find employment and contributed to the country’s economic growth.

In 2006, Malaysia became the first country in the world to become certified as a sustainable palm oil producer by the Renewable Palm Oil Organization (RSPO). This certification means strict rules are in place to ensure the production of sustainable palm oil.

3. Thailand

Third Largest Palm Oil-Producing Nations – Thailand

Known for its stunning beaches and delicious cuisine, Thailand is now one of the third largest palm oil-producing nations in the world. In recent years, Thailand has grown a large amount of palm oil and is one of the top palm oil producers in Southeast Asia. Thailand is the largest palm oil producer in the world.

In the 1960s, Thailand began producing palm oil with the help of the government to improve agricultural practices. In the late 90s, Thailand’s palm oil production increased significantly due to the government’s support and investment in the industry.

The country’s success in palm oil production is due to its favorable weather conditions, government regulations, new technologies, and the demand for palm oil. The production of palm oil brings in large amounts of revenue for Thailand and provides employment for many people. However, it also raises issues such as cutting down trees and land grabbing.

4. Colombia

The fourth largest palm oil-producing nation in the world is Colombia, with an annual production of approximately 1,5 million tonnes. Colombia’s favorable soil and climatic conditions have made it a prime palm oil producer.

The palm oil industry in Nigeria has a long history. When the British ruled Nigeria, they realized the potential of palm oil production and established large-scale plantations. In the 1950’s, Nigeria produced more palm oil per capita than any other nation in the world and sold it globally.

Pallm oil accounts for around 5% of Nigeria’s total revenue. The country’s success in palm oil production is due to its favorable weather and soil conditions, the ability of the trees to produce large quantities of oil, government support, the demand for palm oil from many people, and the ability of Nigerians to start businesses.

5. Nigeria


Nigeria is Africa’s largest palm oil producer and the fifth largest palm oil producer in the world. With an annual production of about 1 million tonnes, Nigeria accounts for about 5% of the world’s palm oil production.

Nigeria has a tropical climate and large land area, making it an ideal place to grow oil palm trees. The palm oil industry in Nigeria has a long history.

When the British ruled Nigeria, they realized the potential of palm oil production in Nigeria and established large-scale plantations.

By the 1950’s, Nigeria produced more palm oil per capita than any other country in the world and exported it to the rest of the world.

Today, palm oil accounts for around 5% of all Nigeria’s income. The country is well-positioned to produce palm oil because of its favourable weather and soil conditions, the ability of the trees to produce large quantities of oil, the support of the government, the large number of people who want to grow palm oil, and the ability of the people to start businesses.

6. Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of Oceania’s six largest palm oil-producing nations, producing approximately 700,000 tons of palm oil annually. The country’s tropical climate and fertile soil make it an ideal place to grow palm oil.

PNG’s palm oil production began in the late 19th century when German rulers introduced palm oil to the country. The majority of palm oil produced in PNG originates from the western New Britain province and the Oro province. Palm oil accounts for approximately 2% of the country’s total income.

Almost all palm oil production in PNG is carried out by small-scale farmers, not by large-scale companies. This means that much of the country’s income is derived from the cultivation of palm trees, which is the main source of income for many people in the country.

The country has over 50,000 ha of land dedicated to palm tree cultivation, with plans to expand this acreage in the future.

7. Ecuador

The 7 largest palm oil-producing nations in the world are Ecuador. Ecuador is the second largest palm oil producer in South America with an annual output of about 500,000 tons.

The country’s warm climate and arid land have played a major role in the country’s success in the palm oil sector. In the 1980s, Ecuador began to produce large quantities of palm oil, which was then sold to other Latin American countries. However, this led to problems for the environment and the local population.

Despite the fact that there are many arguments against palm oil production in Ecuador, the country’s palm oil industry continues to generate a lot of revenue. In 2020 alone, Ecuador produced 680,000 tonnes of palm oil, making it the 7th biggest producer in the world, and the government has made several attempts to control the industry, including a rule in 2008 to stop the logging of forests for the production of palm oil. However, this rule has changed several times and is expected to expire in 2021.

8. Honduras

The eighth largest palm oil-producing nation in the world is the Central American country of Honduras. With an annual production of about 400,000 tons, the country is a major palm oil producer. Due to the country’s tropical climate and favorable land conditions, the palm oil industry has been growing steadily.

The country has a long history of agriculture, and began producing palm oil as early as the 1950s. However, it was not until the 1990s that palm oil production really took off.

Today, Honduras is among the top 10 palm oil-producing nations in the world. In 2020, the country produced more than 800,000 tonnes of palm oil. The country’s weather and soil conditions are ideal for palm oil production, the government is supportive, and there is a large demand for palm oil.

9. Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d’Ivoire (formerly known as Ivory Coast) is a West African country renowned for its culture and cuisine, but it is also known for its palm oil production. It is the largest palm oil producer in Africa, and the fifth largest in the world, producing around 15% of total palm oil production.

Palm oil is a major source of income for Ivory Coast, providing employment to more than 300,000 people, and generating an annual income of approximately $6 billion.

The cultivation of palm trees in Ivory Coast dates back to the French arrival, when they began planting palm trees. Ivory Coast is committed to responsible palm oil production through programs such as the RSPO. In addition to producing palm oil, Ivory Coast also sells a large portion of its products to other countries such as India, the Netherlands, and Spain.

10. Brazil

Brazil is one of the ten largest palm oil-producing nations in the world, with an annual production of approximately 350,000 tonnes of palm oil.

The country’s tropical climate and vast land area make it an attractive candidate for the palm oil industry, although most of the palm oil produced in Brazil is used internally and only a small portion is sold to third countries. In recent years, there has been a growing demand for palm oil that is sustainably produced, with certifications such as the RSPO.

Palm oil production has been a major contributor to Brazil’s economy, providing jobs and income to the local population. As Brazil’s population continues to grow and the demand for oils from plants increases, it is essential to produce enough palm oil to meet the needs of the population.

Summary – Top 10 Palm Oil-producing Nations

The palm oil industry is one of the world’s most important industries, supplying the world with a wide variety of vegetable oils. However, it has also come under heavy criticism for its impact on the environment and social issues. These countries must focus on sustainable development and responsible production in order to address these issues and ensure the sustainability of the industry in the future.

palm oil producing countries

palm oil producing countries

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